Unveiling the Secrets to Women's Well-Being

Women's health and hygiene are crucial components of total well-being. For the purpose of preventing illness, enhancing physical and mental well-being, and guaranteeing a high standard of living, it is essential to practice excellent health and hygiene habits.
Over a 20% increase in worries about missed periods and 23% of women complained of irregular periods. Does the lifestyle play an important role in the health of women?
Here are some essential tips for women's cleanliness and health:

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) causes, symptoms, and treatment options:

Have you come across the following questions?

  1. If I have trouble becoming pregnant, does it mean I have PCOD?
  2. Do I consider my weight gain problem to be PCOD?
  3. I have trouble falling asleep.
  4. I frequently have mood swings.
  5. I'm having acne problems and hair loss

Symptoms include irregular, light, or heavy periods as well as excessive facial hair, infertility, and a negative outlook on life.

A balanced diet, regular exercise, 7-8 hours of sleep, and stress reduction can easily treat PCOD, which has a minimal risk of developing new health issues.

Causes, signs, and ways to deal with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS):

It is a more serious problem than PCOD. High risk of various associated health issues, issues with fertility, irregular periods, and failure to ovulate. Insulin resistance, which has a strong genetic link to diabetes, can disrupt egg growth and lead to difficulties. If diabetes and high cholesterol are not treated promptly, the risk of developing endometrial cancer increases.

90% of the symptoms can be treated with good lifestyle modifications, Hormone medications, Fertility treatment, and surgical options. Avoid fatty foods, junk food, and sweets in your diet.


  1. 4 days of exercise
  2. Whole meal practice
  3. Practice journals
  4. Combination of cardio and strength training
  5. Write journals
  6. Practice meditation
  7. Spend time with social gatherings
  8. Avoid gadgets bet 8:00 PM to 5:00 AM
  9. Sleep between 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM
  10. The duration of hormone medications has to be for short duration

Don't skip your doctor's appointments for routine checkups. Early health problem discovery can be very important. Attend routine gynaecological checkups that may involve pelvic exams and Pap smears. With your doctor, go over family planning and reproductive health alternatives.

Postpartum Period

Depression that follows childbirth is known as postpartum depression (PPD). A lot of women face mood swings postpartum and have food rich in vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium, etc. Rest when you get time and it’s fine not to engage relatives. When you have prolonged mental drowsiness, pay close attention to your self-care, ask your family for help, and speak to a gynaecologist or psychologist.

Suggestions to keep the mind calm

  1. Avoiding outside food and fatty foods
  2. Abstaining from coffee and aerated beverages
  3. Relaxing your mind
  4. Going outside and doing light exercises
  5. Not spending too much time with family
  6. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes or thyroid disease, keep an eye on your blood work.
  7. Take a short break from the area.

Because babies can sense their mothers' moods, which in turn influences the child's psychology, it is crucial to address this issue. Mild hormonal changes can also be noticed.

Menopause Awareness

The average age at which an Indian woman enters menopause is 51 years. Menopause is when you have gone a year without getting your period.


  1. Mind gets into an anger mode
  2. Emptiness syndrome
  3. Brain fog
  4. Forgetfulness
  5. Hot flush
  6. Weight gain
  7. Bloating
  8. Dry hair
  9. Skin texture changes
  10. Dry mouth
  11. Breast tenderness
  12. Facial hair
  13. Depression
  14. Digestion problem

Heart attacks, type II diabetes after menopause, and fractures are all common among women. Important things to think about are calcium supplements, eye exams, bone density testing, and osteoporosis screening tests.


  1. Rest well
  2. Use cotton clothing and blankets
  3. Do not eat or work in the bedroom
  4. Ensure proper lighting and ventilation
  5. Take light efforts for self-care
  6. Shower twice a day
  7. Wind up your day by reading a book or listening to mild music
  8. Avoid stress
  9. Develop a hobby
  10. Increase calcium intake
  11. Engage in joint exercises

A healthcare expert should be consulted for specific advice and direction on preserving women's health and hygiene throughout all phases of life because individual health demands may change. Giving these health concerns priority can result in a happier, healthier, and more rewarding existence.

For any support on mental health reach out to us @ 1800 121 9497 / wellness@cecureus.com / www.eap.cecureus.com